Friday, March 22, 2019

Pedal Pusher Shirt Cycling Cyclist Shirt

I realize this is an Pedal Pusher Shirt Cycling Cyclist Shirt. However, it reminds me so much of liberals today it’s crazy. I don’t believe in abortion, but don’t try to force my view on anyone. However, if I tell a liberal that they get offended and try to make me feel guilty for not wanting to kill an innocent baby growing inside my own body. If you’re offended by something, that’s on you. No one else is responsible for how you feel. Stop expecting the whole world to tiptoe around your feelings. That’s just never going to happen. People are starting to use that whole You get offended easily excuse to bully others and get away with it because everyone these days blames the victim for getting offended.

Pedal Pusher Shirt Cycling Cyclist Shirt, V-neck, Sweater and Unisex, t-shirt

Pedal Pusher Shirt Cycling Cyclist

Buy it Now: Pedal Pusher Shirt Cycling Cyclist Shirt

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