Thursday, March 28, 2019

SIIIIUUUU jump CR7 Goal celebration shirt

Anyone who does not understand the rich control both the economic and SIIIIUUUU jump CR7 Goal celebration shirt. The Founders expected elected citizens to leave their professions as cobblers, printers, farmers, blacksmiths, etc. to serve in Congress and the Executive. There was an assumption they would serve a few terms and then return to their former lives. Today unbridled money flows in to perpetuate political dynasties. They exist in both political parties. We need term limits for the courts and Congress as well a constitutonal amendment limiting money in politics. The founders were as full of shit as these guys in office today.

SIIIIUUUU jump CR7 Goal celebration shirt,V-neck, Sweater and Unisex, t-shirt

SIIIIUUUU jump CR7 Goal celebration

Buy it Now: SIIIIUUUU jump CR7 Goal celebration shirt

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