Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Buupac Biggie shirt, hoodie

The Buupac Biggie shirt, hoodie! My sister did that last year for her 80 birthday. The lady swinging on a vine down a hill, my grandpa tied a long time to a tree when I was a kid. As an adult, my cousin and I were going to try it again. I made her go first. She got a running start and over the edge. I’m mid-air the rope broke, rotted, and she fell so far and landed on her back! It was bad! Also, it’s a fucking plant. It’s not a sentient creature, it’s alive yes but so is every other fucking fruit and vegetable before it’s picked and put into your salad. Are people really defending the cruelty of plants now? What is it called when you don’t eat meat or vegetables?

Buupac Biggie shirt, hoodie, V-neck, Sweater and Unisex, t-shirt

Buupac Biggie

Buy it Now: Buupac Biggie shirt

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