Monday, March 25, 2019

I just baked you some shut the fucupcakes unicorn

I would so buy this, it’s the I just baked you some shut the fucupcakes unicorn. Please publish this for the world to hear and let the men who fought this war here and in Vietnam know their not alone. I didn’t go to war but I remember what our men came home to and cried like it was yesterday. Thank you to the man who writes it and the beautiful voice who sang it. Beautiful tribute to her grandpa and All the service people of the Vietnam Nam Cold War! That’s what they called it then! So many of our men didn’t come home and the ones who did go through hell! And the song is correct there were no medals or parades or anything for those men that sacrificed so much!

I just baked you some shut the fucupcakes unicorn, V-neck, Sweater and Unisex, t-shirt

I just baked you some shut the fucupcakes unicorn

Buy it Now: I just baked you some shut the fucupcakes unicorn

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