Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Pug that ‘s what I do I read and I know things T-Shirt

I finished summer feeling. Well, bloated and not on track at all. I really let summer take me down a road of fatty foods, drinking, and not really caring about my nutrition like I normally do. I just felt like I should allow myself to not thinking about all that for awhile. I’m glad I did that, but the end result was, well, my pants didn’t fit well…let’s just say that. These last 21 days I’ve stuck to the workout plan like glue, but I didn’t always stick to the nutrition plan still. Why? Well, bad habits die hard and I had a summer of bad-ish habits.Pug that ‘s what I do I read and I know things T-Shirt. What I love about this side-by-side transformation though is you can see how even sticking to better nutrition about 70% of the time and really killing it on the workouts and brought back all of my definitions in my abs and arms again. Now just to get rid of a few pounds to get back down to the BMI my once wants meat. So, I’m up for round 2 starting yesterday. 21 days, another round, workouts will intensify even more, meal plan will continue to load up on protein and veggies while decreasing my starchy carbs until I’ll be a lean, mean, BMI-appropriate, cancer-fighting machine.

Pug that ‘s what I do I read and I know things T-Shirt, V-neck, Sweater and Unisex, t-shirt

Pug that 's what I do I read and I know things

Buy it Now: Pug that ‘s what I do I read and I know things T-Shirt

1 comment:

  1. Hello dear,

    You provide a piece of very good information about the Pug T-Shirt. It keeps them in style and in fashion. If you think that trench coats are not in during summer, dogs are also aware of that too. They would also love to wear something that allows them to hit the beach or to play Frisbee without ever thinking if they're in their right clothes or not. There are statement shirts that permit them to express their sentiments and reflect their personalities. A few days ago I have purchased, Pablos Pug ~ Men T-Shirt from, where you can find exclusively dedicated to Pugs and is devoted to offering as many creative and unique Pug themed designs as possible.

    Thanks & regards,

    Ruiez Flores
