Sunday, February 27, 2022

Stop War No Ukraine Peace Hoodie - T-shir


Stop War No Ukraine Peace Hoodie

We aren’t shutting down the world for the people that are already sick, we’re shutting it down so it doesn’t get worse. Because we only have so many hospitals. there are only so many hospital beds, painkillers, antibiotics, ventilators, etc. And if the majority of the world’s population is all sick at the same time, what do you think we will do? where will we put these people, how will we treat them? That’s why we’re shutting things down, so we can slow the spread of the virus enough to get a handle on things. sadly, people are probably still going to get infected, but if we can slow down the rate of infection, we can treat people as they get infected, instead of having such a mass infection that we can’t treat anyone because we simply aren’t capable,

Stop War No Ukraine Peace Hoodie(Stop War No Ukraine Peace Hoodie)

Buy it now: Stop War No Ukraine Peace Hoodie - T-shir

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Stronger Democrats Together T Shirt - T-shir

Stronger Democrats Together T Shirt - T-shir


Hompage: t-shirtsky

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