Saturday, February 26, 2022

Pregnancy Announcement I Tested Positive But Not For Covid Tee Shirt - T-shir


Pregnancy Announcement I Tested Positive But Not For Covid Tee Shirt

At this stage of the pandemic, the only ‘victims’ of COVID-19 are those who are fully vaccinated but still contract an infection and die or are permanently disabled as a result. Thankfully those are very, very few. The others are those who cannot receive a vaccine for medical reasons, known as medical contraindication. As for immigration status, the virus doesn’t give a shit. It infects all given equal opportunity. Those on the right would just love a boatload of empirical data which shows that those crossing the southern border are responsible for the fourth wave and will be responsible for the fifth and sixth and so on. No such data exists, thus any claim as such cannot be proven and in any event such a claim is just to rile the base and get them to turn on other people. What is proven is that 95% of those who are forming the fourth wave are unvaccinated. So if those who are suffering a COVID infection now want someone to blame, might I suggest the person they see when they’re standing in front of a mirror,

Pregnancy Announcement I Tested Positive But Not For Covid Tee Shirt(Pregnancy Announcement I Tested Positive But Not For Covid Tee Shirt)

Buy it now: Pregnancy Announcement I Tested Positive But Not For Covid Tee Shirt - T-shir

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