Monday, February 28, 2022

Stop War No Ukraine Peace Hoodie - T-shir


Stop War No Ukraine Peace Hoodie

We aren’t shutting down the world for the people that are already sick, we’re shutting it down so it doesn’t get worse. Because we only have so many hospitals. there are only so many hospital beds, painkillers, antibiotics, ventilators, etc. And if the majority of the world’s population is all sick at the same time, what do you think we will do? where will we put these people, how will we treat them? That’s why we’re shutting things down, so we can slow the spread of the virus enough to get a handle on things. sadly, people are probably still going to get infected, but if we can slow down the rate of infection, we can treat people as they get infected, instead of having such a mass infection that we can’t treat anyone because we simply aren’t capable,

Stop War No Ukraine Peace Hoodie(Stop War No Ukraine Peace Hoodie)

Buy it now: Stop War No Ukraine Peace Hoodie - T-shir

Stronger Democrats Together T Shirt - T-shir

Stronger Democrats Together T Shirt - T-shir

Stronger Democrats Together T Shirt - T-shir

Stronger Democrats Together T Shirt - T-shir


Stronger Democrats Together T Shirt

The new strains of Sars-CoV-2 are already the dominant ones running throughout the country, including the “homegrown” Brazilian P1 variant, and they are all associated with an increase in the mortality rate, particularly for people younger than 50–60 years old, in most coutnries where they have become prevalent. What’s also really complicating is that the new strains, even when they haven’t increased the rate of people who end up dying, have substantially increased the percentage of people who need to be hospitalized and made their stay in the hospital longer on average. That compounds the extreme overwork of healthcare professionals and their technical incapability to give proper treatment to everyone at the same time. Medicines, equipments, sheer time is lacking for such a huge number of people reaching to the hospitals (and there isn’t just Covid-19 to take care of, you know),

Stronger Democrats Together T Shirt(Stronger Democrats Together T Shirt)

Buy it now: Stronger Democrats Together T Shirt - T-shir

Support For Ukraine Stand With Shirt - T-shir

Support For Ukraine Stand With Shirt - T-shir

Support For Ukraine Stand With Shirt - T-shir

Support For Ukraine Stand With Shirt - T-shir


Support For Ukraine Stand With Shirt

There are far more young or young-ish people that are still leading their daily lives as if nothing too dangerous and worrisome is happening, and the illegal parties and other mass crowds, forbidden by law in virtually all states and municipalities of Brazil, usually involve people younger than 50 years old, while most older people are already scared enough by the 301,000 people killed by Covid-19 to keep to their homes most of the time (except when they need to work or make necessary purchases), or they are simply way past the time they attended parties, bars and other crowded places,

Support For Ukraine Stand With Shirt(Support For Ukraine Stand With Shirt)

Buy it now: Support For Ukraine Stand With Shirt - T-shir

Support Ukraine Woman Flag American Ukrainian Roots Tee Shirt - T-shir

Support Ukraine Woman Flag American Ukrainian Roots Tee Shirt - T-shir

Support Ukraine Woman Flag American Ukrainian Roots Tee Shirt - T-shir

Support Ukraine Woman Flag American Ukrainian Roots Tee Shirt - T-shir


Support Ukraine Woman Flag American Ukrainian Roots Tee Shirt

You’re acting like this is leprosy or aids, and to my knowledge I know they didn’t do it with AIDS. I don’t know about leprosy as that was before my time, but that’s ridiculous. So now you’re beloved husband, wife, mother, father, child, or son who has succumbed to covid is going to be further criticized in death by having a 500 m perimeter around the entire cemetery, and you have to have scrupulous medical checks going in and coming out to visit their grave. That’s insanity! You’re not going to catch covid from the dirt. You might get poison ivy, but technically that’s not from the dirt either,

Support Ukraine Woman Flag American Ukrainian Roots Tee Shirt(Support Ukraine Woman Flag American Ukrainian Roots Tee Shirt)

Buy it now: Support Ukraine Woman Flag American Ukrainian Roots Tee Shirt - T-shir

TinkerBell Shamrock St Patrick’s Day Disney Family Matching Shirt - T-shir

TinkerBell Shamrock St Patrick’s Day Disney Family Matching Shirt - T-shir

TinkerBell Shamrock St Patrick’s Day Disney Family Matching Shirt - T-shir

TinkerBell Shamrock St Patrick’s Day Disney Family Matching Shirt - T-shir


TinkerBell Shamrock St Patrick’s Day Disney Family Matching Shirt

The contrast is beyond striking. Trump practically victim shamed people who got Covid or lost loved ones to Covid by constantly downplaying the virus. Claiming that “99% of cases are totally harmless” and “don’t be afraid* totally negates families who lost loved ones to Covid. He suggested that it was the fault of those with underlying conditions that they suffered so much, the virus couldn’t really be blamed. He falsely claimed that Covid death numbers were being inflated for profit. All of his communications about the virus seriously lacked empathy. Biden has held two Covid memorials. One on January 19th and one on February 22nd. That alone, even without all the speeches Biden and his administration have given showing empathy for Americans, speaks volumes,

TinkerBell Shamrock St Patrick’s Day Disney Family Matching Shirt(TinkerBell Shamrock St Patrick’s Day Disney Family Matching Shirt)

Buy it now: TinkerBell Shamrock St Patrick’s Day Disney Family Matching Shirt - T-shir

Toph Aesthetic Da Cool Michelle Sweatshirt - T-shir

Toph Aesthetic Da Cool Michelle Sweatshirt - T-shir


Toph Aesthetic Da Cool Michelle Sweatshirt - T-shir


Toph Aesthetic Da Cool Michelle Sweatshirt

At this stage of the pandemic, the only ‘victims’ of COVID-19 are those who are fully vaccinated but still contract an infection and die or are permanently disabled as a result. Thankfully those are very, very few. The others are those who cannot receive a vaccine for medical reasons, known as medical contraindication. As for immigration status, the virus doesn’t give a shit. It infects all given equal opportunity. Those on the right would just love a boatload of empirical data which shows that those crossing the southern border are responsible for the fourth wave and will be responsible for the fifth and sixth and so on. No such data exists, thus any claim as such cannot be proven and in any event such a claim is just to rile the base and get them to turn on other people. What is proven is that 95% of those who are forming the fourth wave are unvaccinated. So if those who are suffering a COVID infection now want someone to blame, might I suggest the person they see when they’re standing in front of a mirror,

Toph Aesthetic Da Cool Michelle Sweatshirt(Toph Aesthetic Da Cool Michelle Sweatshirt)

Buy it now: Toph Aesthetic Da Cool Michelle Sweatshirt - T-shir

Trump It’s Time Anti Biden Kamala Tee T Shirt - T-shir

Trump It’s Time Anti Biden Kamala Tee T Shirt - T-shir

Trump It’s Time Anti Biden Kamala Tee T Shirt - T-shir

Trump It’s Time Anti Biden Kamala Tee T Shirt - T-shir


Trump It’s Time Anti Biden Kamala Tee T Shirt

There are far more young or young-ish people that are still leading their daily lives as if nothing too dangerous and worrisome is happening, and the illegal parties and other mass crowds, forbidden by law in virtually all states and municipalities of Brazil, usually involve people younger than 50 years old, while most older people are already scared enough by the 301,000 people killed by Covid-19 to keep to their homes most of the time (except when they need to work or make necessary purchases), or they are simply way past the time they attended parties, bars and other crowded places,

Trump It’s Time Anti Biden Kamala Tee T Shirt(Trump It’s Time Anti Biden Kamala Tee T Shirt)

Buy it now: Trump It’s Time Anti Biden Kamala Tee T Shirt - T-shir

Tyler The Creator Call Me If You Get Lost Shirt - T-shir

Tyler The Creator Call Me If You Get Lost Shirt - T-shir

Tyler The Creator Call Me If You Get Lost Shirt - T-shir

Tyler The Creator Call Me If You Get Lost Shirt - T-shir


Tyler The Creator Call Me If You Get Lost Shirt

Protean refers to Proteus, the Tyler The Creator Call Me If You Get Lost Shirt master of disguise. According to the ancient Greeks, Proteus was the shepherd who looked after Poseidon’s sea creatures. Proteus had the gift of prophecy. Determined not to share his knowledge, he changed his shape to avoid attention. The only way to learn what he knew was to sneak up behind him during his nap and hold him (while he frantically changed from shape to shape) until he revealed what he knew. Protean means as mutable and adaptable as the mythological shepherd. The vaccines they’re making for Covid-19 are for what is currently circulating according to the information they’ve obtained by sequencing that particular virus/variant,

Tyler The Creator Call Me If You Get Lost Shirt(Tyler The Creator Call Me If You Get Lost Shirt)

Buy it now: Tyler The Creator Call Me If You Get Lost Shirt - T-shir

Ukrainian Women Girl Unbreakable Ukraine Flag Tee Shirt - T-shir

Ukrainian Women Girl Unbreakable Ukraine Flag Tee Shirt - T-shir

Ukrainian Women Girl Unbreakable Ukraine Flag Tee Shirt - T-shir

Ukrainian Women Girl Unbreakable Ukraine Flag Tee Shirt - T-shir


Ukrainian Women Girl Unbreakable Ukraine Flag Tee Shirt

Ninety percent of all cases of children reported in China were asymptomatic. Many children there were believed infected but not showing any symptoms; and the children who did show symptoms are claimed to have recovered, in most cases, without intervention. Countries with demographics that reflect a younger population, or where a predominant number of cases of the people infected were younger as in Singapore and South Korea, have faired better in terms of morbidity than countries with high numbers of older citizens, like Italy; where a large population of people are over 30, 40, 50, and many, 24% are over sixty; or older. As of April 8, 2020, seven hundred and fifty-nine adults below the age of fifty have died in the US; though death among those younger than 20 yrs. has been very rare worldwide,

Ukrainian Women Girl Unbreakable Ukraine Flag Tee Shirt(Ukrainian Women Girl Unbreakable Ukraine Flag Tee Shirt)

Buy it now: Ukrainian Women Girl Unbreakable Ukraine Flag Tee Shirt - T-shir

When You’re Dead Inside But It’s Patricks Day Family Matching Shirt - T-shir

When You’re Dead Inside But It’s Patricks Day Family Matching Shirt - T-shir

When You’re Dead Inside But It’s Patricks Day Family Matching Shirt - T-shir

When You’re Dead Inside But It’s Patricks Day Family Matching Shirt - T-shir


When You’re Dead Inside But It’s Patricks Day Family Matching Shirt

We aren’t shutting down the world for the people that are already sick, we’re shutting it down so it doesn’t get worse. Because we only have so many hospitals. there are only so many hospital beds, painkillers, antibiotics, ventilators, etc. And if the majority of the world’s population is all sick at the same time, what do you think we will do? where will we put these people, how will we treat them? That’s why we’re shutting things down, so we can slow the spread of the virus enough to get a handle on things. sadly, people are probably still going to get infected, but if we can slow down the rate of infection, we can treat people as they get infected, instead of having such a mass infection that we can’t treat anyone because we simply aren’t capable,

When You’re Dead Inside But It’s Patricks Day Family Matching Shirt(When You’re Dead Inside But It’s Patricks Day Family Matching Shirt)

Buy it now: When You’re Dead Inside But It’s Patricks Day Family Matching Shirt - T-shir

I Am Mcvay Shirt - T-shir

I Am Mcvay Shirt - T-shir

I Am Mcvay Shirt - T-shir

I Am Mcvay Shirt - T-shir


I Am Mcvay Shirt

The overwhelming pressure of the I Am Mcvay Shirt and how many players have it in them to soak that pressure. Robertson and TAA have looked promising as wing backs but again, to hold off Ronaldo and co in a high pressure match would be challenge . This is not Anfield and this is not a league game. And I hope Klopp doesn’t approach it that way. The atmosphere in Kiev will be nowhere similar to what it is at Anfield. No doubt Klopp has been instrumental in Liverpool’s success this season, but I hope he has a trick up his sleeve other than just attack. Both teams are strong on the counter. Liverpool probably a bit more. Madrid’s worry on the counter would be Marcelo holding off Salah. And that’s a huge worry. All in all there’s no doubt Liverpool will score at least 1 on the counter.

I Am Mcvay Shirt(I Am Mcvay Shirt)

Buy it now: I Am Mcvay Shirt - T-shir

African Black History Shirts For Women I Am The Storm Strong T Shirt - T-shir

African Black History Shirts For Women I Am The Storm Strong T Shirt - T-shir

African Black History Shirts For Women I Am The Storm Strong T Shirt - T-shir

African Black History Shirts For Women I Am The Storm Strong T Shirt - T-shir


African Black History Shirts For Women I Am The Storm Strong T Shirt

This one was special being for Charles birthday so I attended and it had the famous Harry speech with the Bee, and the rumour at the African Black History Shirts For Women I Am The Storm Strong T Shirt was that Meghan was asked to leave for sticking out her tongue at Camilla after a row. I saw the speech of course and also Meghan making fun of Harry and what was in my view fun, she certainly that day was getting the most from the crowd and was the favourite, I thought it was a nice seemingly honest moment. However later several comments were made and a bit of tension appeared, we were too far away to properly see and apparently a row occurred. Then the couple left abruptly. It was the talk of the crowd and definitely wasn’t something that wasn’t planned. The rumour we were told and widely reported on social media at the time but not reported in the media was that in the more private speeches Meghan stuck her tongue out at Camilla when she was speaking.

African Black History Shirts For Women I Am The Storm Strong T Shirt(African Black History Shirts For Women I Am The Storm Strong T Shirt)

Buy it now: African Black History Shirts For Women I Am The Storm Strong T Shirt - T-shir

Pray For Ukraine Support Ukrainian American USA Heart T Shirt - T-shir

Pray For Ukraine Support Ukrainian American USA Heart T Shirt - T-shir

Pray For Ukraine Support Ukrainian American USA Heart T Shirt - T-shir

Pray For Ukraine Support Ukrainian American USA Heart T Shirt - T-shir


Pray For Ukraine Support Ukrainian American USA Heart T Shirt

Another factor which could play a Pray For Ukraine Support Ukrainian American USA Heart T Shirt in deciding the final outcome is Madrid’s bench strength. I’m hoping Zidane starts with Casemiro, Isco and Benzema in a 4-3-3 (If carvajhal is fit) much like the last final. That way with Asensio and Vazquez, still fresh, RM could hope to burn Liverpool legs and really stretch them beyond their steam in the final 30 min. Kroos, Modric and Isco will most probably control the tempo of the game, as they usually do. Ronaldo would be smelling goals, especially after missing out in semi-final. I just pray he is not played as a lone striker. I’m not talking about defenses of both the teams, because for both, attack is the best form of defense.

Pray For Ukraine Support Ukrainian American USA Heart T Shirt(Pray For Ukraine Support Ukrainian American USA Heart T Shirt)

Buy it now: Pray For Ukraine Support Ukrainian American USA Heart T Shirt - T-shir

Bojoe Anti Biden The Worlds Most Famous Clown Shirt - T-shir

Bojoe Anti Biden The Worlds Most Famous Clown Shirt - T-shir

Bojoe Anti Biden The Worlds Most Famous Clown Shirt - T-shir

Bojoe Anti Biden The Worlds Most Famous Clown Shirt - T-shir


Bojoe Anti Biden The Worlds Most Famous Clown Shirt

My son had severe issues with food starting from 2. Basically, he could eat only 3-4 things, and if he ate something else he would gag. After eating, if someone mentioned food, he would throw up. Just the thought of food was too much for him. So, we took him to a Bojoe Anti Biden The Worlds Most Famous Clown Shirt, and she was successful in making him try new foods. She used a graduated method of introducing food. She will tell him to first just kiss the food. She would hold it out to his lips, and he would kiss it. Then he had to try to lick it. Then he would take a bite. And if he liked it, he liked it. If he didn;t she would try it again another day. We expanded his repertoire. My wifes, even made some sort of weird root vegetable with lot of spices, and my son ate it. When the therapist saw that, she kicked us out. “You are done! Even I won’t eat that”.

Bojoe Anti Biden The Worlds Most Famous Clown Shirt(Bojoe Anti Biden The Worlds Most Famous Clown Shirt)

Buy it now: Bojoe Anti Biden The Worlds Most Famous Clown Shirt - T-shir

Mardi Gras Skull Shirt Party Mask Parade T Shirt - T-shir

Mardi Gras Skull Shirt Party Mask Parade T Shirt - T-shir

Mardi Gras Skull Shirt Party Mask Parade T Shirt - T-shir

Mardi Gras Skull Shirt Party Mask Parade T Shirt - T-shir


Mardi Gras Skull Shirt Party Mask Parade T Shirt

I think the childhood dream I had the longest and Mardi Gras Skull Shirt Party Mask Parade T Shirt wanted the most was to own an orphanage. My family was very close and I was taught to value family above all else. But at the same time, I did not look like I belonged to the family I was most often surrounded by. I am the only one on my dad’s side of the family with brown eyes, the rest all have blue. That will always be the most notable difference in my appearance from them. But to add to it, my sister looked 100% like my dad’s side of the family and I looked 100% like my mom’s side. We found childhood pictures of one of my aunts and they might as well have been me, we looked so alike. But most of my mom’s side of the family lived pretty far away from us and my dad’s side was all very close. So the family I was most often surrounded by did not really look like me.

Mardi Gras Skull Shirt Party Mask Parade T Shirt(Mardi Gras Skull Shirt Party Mask Parade T Shirt)

Buy it now: Mardi Gras Skull Shirt Party Mask Parade T Shirt - T-shir

I drank enough water and all I got was beautiful crystal shirt - T-shir

I drank enough water and all I got was beautiful crystal shirt - T-shir

I drank enough water and all I got was beautiful crystal shirt - T-shir

I drank enough water and all I got was beautiful crystal shirt - T-shir


I drank enough water and all I got was beautiful crystal shirt

Even though you and your Author Company and I drank enough water and all I got was beautiful crystal shirt have not had any conflicts. For example, in my book’s Road to the United States part I & Part 2, since you and your Author House Company have cut an important part of the book reviewer when an American scholar who had reviewed my book, but you and your company have cut, but I did not claim about it. In the meanwhile, I am the poorest of a Vietnamese American writer,I expressed the book to struggle for justice as a prisoner of war without having any motive politically. I write the book that is the same as the Native Americans when they carry out their Constitution without having violated any the American laws and constitution, which is why you and your Author House discriminated against me but also prejudiced my book’s Law of War of Land for Vietnam. Significantly, before I paid the price of my book, I have requested you and your company to carefully review my manuscript’s book Law of War of Land for Vietnam.

I drank enough water and all I got was beautiful crystal shirt(I drank enough water and all I got was beautiful crystal shirt)

Buy it now: I drank enough water and all I got was beautiful crystal shirt - T-shir

Buffalo Hockey logo shirt - T-shir

Buffalo Hockey logo shirt - T-shir

Buffalo Hockey logo shirt - T-shir

Buffalo Hockey logo shirt - T-shir


Buffalo Hockey logo shirt

We put out grownup munchies for the grownups and Buffalo Hockey logo shirt munchies for the children. Chips, pretzels. Better to have grapes (sliced in half for the little ones, or chopped fruit. no candy (my son once kept grabbing hunks of dessert off the table at a holiday party and it was so crowded we weren’t noticing for awhile, until we saw the mess on him and the floor by the table.) Mini juice boxes and mini water bottles for the kids so we don’t have a lot of pouring and spills and parents can limit portions of juice if they wish. We order a pizza or have cold cuts or mini sandwiches and wraps. We might order catered mini sandwiches, cheese platter, antipasto and wine. beers, and soda for the grownups. We might do some kids games after one hour. A play parachute is good. Stickers and temporary tatoos. One-year-olds can’t do any of these activities, naturally. It is all for the older children to keep them from getting bored and cranky (they know how a party is supposed to go, after all.) And for the parents and friends and family to socialize.

Buffalo Hockey logo shirt(Buffalo Hockey logo shirt)

Buy it now: Buffalo Hockey logo shirt - T-shir

Patriot til death and when I die dont let me vote democrat shirt - T-shir

Patriot til death and when I die dont let me vote democrat shirt - T-shir

Patriot til death and when I die dont let me vote democrat shirt - T-shir

Patriot til death and when I die dont let me vote democrat shirt - T-shir


Patriot til death and when I die dont let me vote democrat shirt

He or she a Patriot. This person stood up, sacrificing their career to report what they believe were misdeeds. Before their name was known, they have already been slandered by the Patriot til death and when I die dont let me vote democrat shirt man in the world. It takes guts to stand up to power, especially when it is being abused. I spent a quarter century working in a classified environment and I have seen similar classification games. I even saw classification rules get changed in order to bounce someone off an Army missile program. The lesson learned, never piss off a Colonel. What is disturbing is the amount of hearsay, which appears to be getting corroborated. If so many people were aware of what was going on, why didn’t more people come forward.

Patriot til death and when I die dont let me vote democrat shirt(Patriot til death and when I die dont let me vote democrat shirt)

Buy it now: Patriot til death and when I die dont let me vote democrat shirt - T-shir

Doctor Who T never do anything today shirt - T-shir

Doctor Who T never do anything today shirt - T-shir

Doctor Who T never do anything today shirt - T-shir

Doctor Who T never do anything today shirt - T-shir


Doctor Who T never do anything today shirt

We put out grownup munchies for the grownups and Doctor Who T never do anything today shirt munchies for the children. Chips, pretzels. Better to have grapes (sliced in half for the little ones, or chopped fruit. no candy (my son once kept grabbing hunks of dessert off the table at a holiday party and it was so crowded we weren’t noticing for awhile, until we saw the mess on him and the floor by the table.) Mini juice boxes and mini water bottles for the kids so we don’t have a lot of pouring and spills and parents can limit portions of juice if they wish. We order a pizza or have cold cuts or mini sandwiches and wraps. We might order catered mini sandwiches, cheese platter, antipasto and wine. beers, and soda for the grownups. We might do some kids games after one hour. A play parachute is good. Stickers and temporary tatoos. One-year-olds can’t do any of these activities, naturally. It is all for the older children to keep them from getting bored and cranky (they know how a party is supposed to go, after all.) And for the parents and friends and family to socialize.

Doctor Who T never do anything today shirt(Doctor Who T never do anything today shirt)

Buy it now: Doctor Who T never do anything today shirt - T-shir

Womens Some Moms Cuss Too Much Funny Mothers Day T Shirt - T-shir

Womens Some Moms Cuss Too Much Funny Mothers Day T Shirt - T-shir

Womens Some Moms Cuss Too Much Funny Mothers Day T Shirt - T-shir

Womens Some Moms Cuss Too Much Funny Mothers Day T Shirt - T-shir


Womens Some Moms Cuss Too Much Funny Mothers Day T Shirt

The next thing to happen was that we sailed out and had a lovely meal while the group sang, and then we found a Womens Some Moms Cuss Too Much Funny Mothers Day T Shirt to do some fishing. She’d always wanted to learn how to fish, and it was a really fun group activity, especially when we all got caught up in our lines and couldn’t work out who’d actually caught the fish! By the time it was nearing dusk I realised her father was plotting a specific course and we headed to a floating platform where friends were waiting, and the firework display began. That was just beyond beautiful, it was a really nice way to end of the night, and as we sailed back to the port we watched a movie on a little stand, and the day was perfectly finished. It may not be anywhere near as elaborate as the parties others have had over the years, but that was by far the best and most elaborate birthday party I’ve ever attended. I think it was the personal aspects of it that made it so special, the fanciness and frills just topped it off so well.

Womens Some Moms Cuss Too Much Funny Mothers Day T Shirt(Womens Some Moms Cuss Too Much Funny Mothers Day T Shirt)

Buy it now: Womens Some Moms Cuss Too Much Funny Mothers Day T Shirt - T-shir

The Midnight Glass Book Cover Tee by D. T. Vaughn

The Midnight Glass Book Cover Tee by D. T. Vaughn

The Midnight Glass Book Cover Tee by D. T. Vaughn 

The Midnight Glass Book Cover Tee by D. T. Vaughn


The Midnight Glass Book Cover Tee by D. T. Vaughn T Shirt

The overwhelming pressure of the The Midnight Glass Book Cover Tee by D. T. Vaughn T Shirt and how many players have it in them to soak that pressure. Robertson and TAA have looked promising as wing backs but again, to hold off Ronaldo and co in a high pressure match would be challenge . This is not Anfield and this is not a league game. And I hope Klopp doesn’t approach it that way. The atmosphere in Kiev will be nowhere similar to what it is at Anfield. No doubt Klopp has been instrumental in Liverpool’s success this season, but I hope he has a trick up his sleeve other than just attack. Both teams are strong on the counter. Liverpool probably a bit more. Madrid’s worry on the counter would be Marcelo holding off Salah. And that’s a huge worry. All in all there’s no doubt Liverpool will score at least 1 on the counter.

The Midnight Glass Book Cover Tee by D. T. Vaughn T Shirt(The Midnight Glass Book Cover Tee by D. T. Vaughn T Shirt)

Buy it now: The Midnight Glass Book Cover Tee by D. T. Vaughn 

_Native American Indian Chief Skull Motorcycle Headdress _ T Shirt - T-shir

_Native American Indian Chief Skull Motorcycle Headdress _ T Shirt - T-shir

_Native American Indian Chief Skull Motorcycle Headdress _ T Shirt - T-shir

_Native American Indian Chief Skull Motorcycle Headdress _ T Shirt - T-shir


_Native American Indian Chief Skull Motorcycle Headdress _ T Shirt

I think the childhood dream I had the longest and _Native American Indian Chief Skull Motorcycle Headdress _ T Shirt wanted the most was to own an orphanage. My family was very close and I was taught to value family above all else. But at the same time, I did not look like I belonged to the family I was most often surrounded by. I am the only one on my dad’s side of the family with brown eyes, the rest all have blue. That will always be the most notable difference in my appearance from them. But to add to it, my sister looked 100% like my dad’s side of the family and I looked 100% like my mom’s side. We found childhood pictures of one of my aunts and they might as well have been me, we looked so alike. But most of my mom’s side of the family lived pretty far away from us and my dad’s side was all very close. So the family I was most often surrounded by did not really look like me.

_Native American Indian Chief Skull Motorcycle Headdress _ T Shirt(_Native American Indian Chief Skull Motorcycle Headdress _ T Shirt)

Buy it now: _Native American Indian Chief Skull Motorcycle Headdress _ T Shirt - T-shir

Future hooters girl shirt - T-shir

Future hooters girl shirt - T-shir

Future hooters girl shirt - T-shir

Future hooters girl shirt - T-shir


Future hooters girl shirt

The overwhelming pressure of the Future hooters girl shirt and how many players have it in them to soak that pressure. Robertson and TAA have looked promising as wing backs but again, to hold off Ronaldo and co in a high pressure match would be challenge . This is not Anfield and this is not a league game. And I hope Klopp doesn’t approach it that way. The atmosphere in Kiev will be nowhere similar to what it is at Anfield. No doubt Klopp has been instrumental in Liverpool’s success this season, but I hope he has a trick up his sleeve other than just attack. Both teams are strong on the counter. Liverpool probably a bit more. Madrid’s worry on the counter would be Marcelo holding off Salah. And that’s a huge worry. All in all there’s no doubt Liverpool will score at least 1 on the counter.

Future hooters girl shirt(Future hooters girl shirt)

Buy it now: Future hooters girl shirt - T-shir



Hompage: t-shirtsky

Michael Cerami Demar Derozan Owns The Fourth Quarter T Shirt - T-shir


Michael Cerami Demar Derozan Owns The Fourth Quarter T Shirt

For you and Michael Cerami Demar Derozan Owns The Fourth Quarter T Shirt your publishing committee have agreed to publish my book, so I must pay the price off. Second, when you and your Author House Company are very happy to welcome my payment and said to congratulate me when you and your publishing company solemnly opened the largest hands to welcome accepting my manuscript. I was interested because you and your company were strongly expressed by the super literature American and American tradition’s publishing. Ironically, after receiving my manuscript’s book Law for War of Land for Vietnam, you and your company committee have changed for one hundred eighty degrees (180) because you and your publishing company carried out censorship to discriminate with a Vietnamese American writer because you and your publishing have thought about a Vietnamese write minority ethnical living with the American indigenous peoples – and therefore, you and your publisher carried out the strong discrimination and prejudiced by the American literature with me.

Michael Cerami Demar Derozan Owns The Fourth Quarter T Shirt(Michael Cerami Demar Derozan Owns The Fourth Quarter T Shirt)

Buy it now: Michael Cerami Demar Derozan Owns The Fourth Quarter T Shirt - T-shir

Warthog Boar Shirt Pig Hunting African Hunter Shirt - T-shir

Warthog Boar Shirt Pig Hunting African Hunter Shirt - T-shir

Warthog Boar Shirt Pig Hunting African Hunter Shirt - T-shir


Hompage: t-shirtsky

Warthog Boar Shirt Pig Hunting African Hunter Shirt - T-shir


Warthog Boar Shirt Pig Hunting African Hunter Shirt

The Warthog Boar Shirt Pig Hunting African Hunter Shirt from friend to good friend is tempered with trials and conflict. Whenever you care about another and spend enough time together, fights are inevitable. Jealousy, hurt feelings, inconsiderate behavior, miscommunication, unreturned favors, “MISSED BIRTHDAYS” are among the various intentional and unintentional interactions that test a relationship. There is not one lifelong friendship I maintain that hasn’t experienced a massive fight at one point. Sometimes the reconciliation is quick. Other times it takes time and effort to rebuilt the relationship. It’s work, but valuable and rewarding work.

Warthog Boar Shirt Pig Hunting African Hunter Shirt(Warthog Boar Shirt Pig Hunting African Hunter Shirt)

Buy it now: Warthog Boar Shirt Pig Hunting African Hunter Shirt - T-shir

Life Is Better With Dogs Around Design Summer Shirt 1 - T-shir

Life Is Better With Dogs Around Design Summer Shirt 1 - T-shir

Life Is Better With Dogs Around Design Summer Shirt 1 - T-shir


Hompage: t-shirtsky

Life Is Better With Dogs Around Design Summer Shirt 1 - T-shir


Life Is Better With Dogs Around Design Summer Shirt 1

You and your publisher entirely completely censored my manuscript’s book Law of War of Land for Vietnam by means that you and your Author-House Publishing have to order me to show the Life Is Better With Dogs Around Design Summer Shirt 1 of my documents’ law by the United States Congress because I have used it and the United States Constitution t. For you and your publishing committee are higher American scholars than me because you and the Author-House Publishing are Native Americans. In fact, you and your publishing were taught by heart the American Laws and Constitution to all customers of yours when American Government has not censored for all people which is why you and your Author-House publishing applied the censorship for a Vietnamese American writer. Are you and your Author-House Publishing to be fair or unfair, or discrimination?

Life Is Better With Dogs Around Design Summer Shirt 1(Life Is Better With Dogs Around Design Summer Shirt 1)

Buy it now: Life Is Better With Dogs Around Design Summer Shirt 1 - T-shir

Funny Mardi Gras Skull Carnival Costume T Shirt - T-shir

Funny Mardi Gras Skull Carnival Costume T Shirt - T-shir

Funny Mardi Gras Skull Carnival Costume T Shirt - T-shir


Hompage: t-shirtsky

Funny Mardi Gras Skull Carnival Costume T Shirt - T-shir


Funny Mardi Gras Skull Carnival Costume T Shirt

FIfteen year-old boys are an enigma. What they want can change day to day. Mostly they want to be with friends. I let my teens plan what they want. (because guessing hasn’t worked since like 10 years old). My job on birthdays is to make whatever dinner they request; friends are welcome. Last year my 16 year-old had just gotten his license. So, he wanted to drive… he wanted freedom! He and some friends went to a Top Golf, i made homemade Italian, they played 2 on 2 basketball until about 10pm and a couple boys stayed overnight. If you really want to plan/surprise- contact one of his close friends; they will have the best ideas for what he will actually be excited about. Likely, he’ll want to do something simple. My experience is that Teen boys are more or less “over” big burthday party events.

Funny Mardi Gras Skull Carnival Costume T Shirt(Funny Mardi Gras Skull Carnival Costume T Shirt)

Buy it now: Funny Mardi Gras Skull Carnival Costume T Shirt - T-shir

Bad Bunny YHLQMDLG shirt - T-shir

Bad Bunny YHLQMDLG shirt - T-shir

Bad Bunny YHLQMDLG shirt - T-shir


Hompage: t-shirtsky

Bad Bunny YHLQMDLG shirt - T-shir


Bad Bunny YHLQMDLG shirt

The Bad Bunny YHLQMDLG shirt is that both types of people are spouting racist, bigoted nonsense and should be shunned. Trump does not shun them. Yet, as suggested above, he cannot exactly embrace them openly. Hence, he occasionally sends what people refer to as “racist dog whistles” to those people. The meaning of this is to say that it is a sound that only those for whom the sound is intended will hear, i.e., in the same way that only dogs can hear the sound a dog whistle makes. Words matter. Trump actually understands this quite well. If I were to give him any credit at all, I would say Trump is an astute interpreter of how certain words will affect certain types of people. His penchant for devising nicknames for his opponents is an example of this skill (Pocahontas, Lyin’ Ted, Little Marco, etc.). Another is his practice of employing inaccurate, simplistic and frequently inherently offensive terms and phrases to characterize or encapsulate otherwise complex and nuanced concepts (chain migration, anchor babies, too much political correctness, shit-hole countries, etc.).

Bad Bunny YHLQMDLG shirt(Bad Bunny YHLQMDLG shirt)

Buy it now: Bad Bunny YHLQMDLG shirt - T-shir

I turn yarn into cool things shirt - T-shir

I turn yarn into cool things shirt - T-shir

I turn yarn into cool things shirt - T-shir


Hompage: t-shirtsky

I turn yarn into cool things shirt - T-shir


I turn yarn into cool things shirt

The I turn yarn into cool things shirt is that both types of people are spouting racist, bigoted nonsense and should be shunned. Trump does not shun them. Yet, as suggested above, he cannot exactly embrace them openly. Hence, he occasionally sends what people refer to as “racist dog whistles” to those people. The meaning of this is to say that it is a sound that only those for whom the sound is intended will hear, i.e., in the same way that only dogs can hear the sound a dog whistle makes. Words matter. Trump actually understands this quite well. If I were to give him any credit at all, I would say Trump is an astute interpreter of how certain words will affect certain types of people. His penchant for devising nicknames for his opponents is an example of this skill (Pocahontas, Lyin’ Ted, Little Marco, etc.). Another is his practice of employing inaccurate, simplistic and frequently inherently offensive terms and phrases to characterize or encapsulate otherwise complex and nuanced concepts (chain migration, anchor babies, too much political correctness, shit-hole countries, etc.).

I turn yarn into cool things shirt(I turn yarn into cool things shirt)

Buy it now: I turn yarn into cool things shirt - T-shir

2pacalypse now shirt - T-shir

2pacalypse now shirt - T-shir



Hompage: t-shirtsky

2pacalypse now shirt - T-shir


2pacalypse now shirt

I had recently moved across the 2pacalypse now shirt to be with my boyfriend (at the time) and so I barely knew anyone in the new town I was living in so my 21st birthday celebration was probably much more low key than most 21st birthday celebrations are. The night before my birthday, my boyfriend and I had gone out to a restaurant that was open until 1:00am so that at midnight I could order my very first legal drink. That evening we had one drink and then went home. The next day on my actual birthday (a Saturday), we went out to my favorite restaurant for dinner, then went over to a bar near our house where we met up with one of my new coworkers. After having one drink with her, she had somewhere else to be and being homesick, and not much of a drinker, I wasn’t much in the mood for partying so my boyfriend and I headed home where I ate too much cake and too many Cheetos and then fell asleep early on the couch watching movies.

2pacalypse now shirt(2pacalypse now shirt)

Buy it now: 2pacalypse now shirt - T-shir

Yorkie, I Am Telling You I'm Not a Yorkie T Shirt - T-shir

Yorkie, I Am Telling You I'm Not a Yorkie T Shirt - T-shir



Hompage: t-shirtsky

Yorkie, I Am Telling You I'm Not a Yorkie T Shirt - T-shir


Yorkie, I Am Telling You I’m Not a Yorkie T Shirt

So, we kept going to other doctors, and we found out that he has celiac disease and Yorkie, I Am Telling You I’m Not a Yorkie T Shirt lactose intolerance. Between these 2, in every meal he was getting something that had something that didn’t work with his stomach. We went on a gluten free diet. His appetite became better and his size improved. Then we removed lactose, and his gagging stopped. All of this took 4 years of figuring out, and he went on a gluten free, lactose free diet when he was 6-7 He is 8 now, and he is beginning to try a lot of new things. He loves pizza with veggies. He ate salmon for the first time few weeks ago. He has graduated to getting onions on his cheese burger.. no lettuce yet. He did try ribs, but didn;t like it. I made chicken wings for him this weekend, which he loved. I would say gagging might be an issue on it’s own, or it could be a secondary issue that arises because of something else in his digestive system. If you aren’t making headway, go to a gastroentrologist.

Yorkie, I Am Telling You I'm Not a Yorkie T Shirt(Yorkie, I Am Telling You I’m Not a Yorkie T Shirt)

Buy it now: Yorkie, I Am Telling You I'm Not a Yorkie T Shirt - T-shir

Batrachoseps Gang shirt - T-shir

Batrachoseps Gang shirt - T-shir

Batrachoseps Gang shirt - T-shir


Hompage: t-shirtsky

Batrachoseps Gang shirt - T-shir


Batrachoseps Gang shirt

Trump is arranging alternate energy supplies for any European nation, including Ukraine that would like to be out from under the ugly Putin heel.The Batrachoseps Gang shirt is that Obama and Clinton both wanted a “Russian Reset” which they could not deliver. Now their associates are doing everything in their power to make that impossible. Demonising Russia has not been productive at any level. Trump has neither placated Putin nor sought purposely to provoke him. NATO is stronger now, not weaker, except for one crucial element. Turkey and Russia have been flirting. Trump is not supporting that move at all and has actively engaged Turkey to stand down these betrayals.

Batrachoseps Gang shirt(Batrachoseps Gang shirt)

Buy it now: Batrachoseps Gang shirt - T-shir

Leopard Is The Black Leopard Junkie Shirt - T-shir

Leopard Is The Black Leopard Junkie Shirt - T-shir

Leopard Is The Black Leopard Junkie Shirt - T-shir


Hompage: t-shirtsky

Leopard Is The Black Leopard Junkie Shirt - T-shir


Leopard Is The Black Leopard Junkie Shirt

I think the childhood dream I had the longest and Leopard Is The Black Leopard Junkie Shirt wanted the most was to own an orphanage. My family was very close and I was taught to value family above all else. But at the same time, I did not look like I belonged to the family I was most often surrounded by. I am the only one on my dad’s side of the family with brown eyes, the rest all have blue. That will always be the most notable difference in my appearance from them. But to add to it, my sister looked 100% like my dad’s side of the family and I looked 100% like my mom’s side. We found childhood pictures of one of my aunts and they might as well have been me, we looked so alike. But most of my mom’s side of the family lived pretty far away from us and my dad’s side was all very close. So the family I was most often surrounded by did not really look like me.

Leopard Is The Black Leopard Junkie Shirt(Leopard Is The Black Leopard Junkie Shirt)

Buy it now: Leopard Is The Black Leopard Junkie Shirt - T-shir

McDonalds Love Patricks Day Shirt - T-shir

McDonalds Love Patricks Day Shirt - T-shir

McDonalds Love Patricks Day Shirt - T-shir


Hompage: t-shirtsky

McDonalds Love Patricks Day Shirt - T-shir


McDonalds Love Patricks Day Shirt

In midfield, Joshua Kimmich is only getting better as a CDM. Thiago Alcantara has always has been the puppet master, pulling the McDonalds Love Patricks Day Shirt at the right time. Leon Goretzka has been exceptional ever since the Bundesliga restart. He’s done a great job covering for in the absence of the injured Thiago, not to mention his physical transformation. We don’t really need to talk about Thomas Müller, the Raumdeuter. He’s already equalled KDB’s assist record this season, and I’m sure he will surpass it soon, with the remaining 3 matches he will play. In attack, Serge Gnabry, ( the London clubs‘ destroyer), has been pretty clinical this season. Kingsley Coman may be inconsistent due to injuries, but he’s definetely a talented player who can be dangerous with his pace and dribbling in the attacking 3rd. Leading the way, Europe’s most consistent and lethal striker, Robert Lewandowski. Currently leads the charts for the Bundesliga top scorer (30 goals) and UCL (11 goals). He’s been breaking all kinds of records this season. He currently sits in 4th place in UCL’s all time top scorer’s only behind CR7, Messi and Raul.

McDonalds Love Patricks Day Shirt(McDonalds Love Patricks Day Shirt)

Buy it now: McDonalds Love Patricks Day Shirt - T-shir

Dream Like Martin Men Women Boys Girls Black History Month T Shirt - T-shir

Dream Like Martin Men Women Boys Girls Black History Month T Shirt - T-shir

Dream Like Martin Men Women Boys Girls Black History Month T Shirt - T-shir


Hompage: t-shirtsky

Dream Like Martin Men Women Boys Girls Black History Month T Shirt - T-shir


Dream Like Martin Men Women Boys Girls Black History Month T Shirt

You and your publisher entirely completely censored my manuscript’s book Law of War of Land for Vietnam by means that you and your Author-House Publishing have to order me to show the Dream Like Martin Men Women Boys Girls Black History Month T Shirt of my documents’ law by the United States Congress because I have used it and the United States Constitution t. For you and your publishing committee are higher American scholars than me because you and the Author-House Publishing are Native Americans. In fact, you and your publishing were taught by heart the American Laws and Constitution to all customers of yours when American Government has not censored for all people which is why you and your Author-House publishing applied the censorship for a Vietnamese American writer. Are you and your Author-House Publishing to be fair or unfair, or discrimination?

Dream Like Martin Men Women Boys Girls Black History Month T Shirt(Dream Like Martin Men Women Boys Girls Black History Month T Shirt)

Buy it now: Dream Like Martin Men Women Boys Girls Black History Month T Shirt - T-shir

120 Flamazing Days of School Flamingo 120th Day Teachers T Shirt - T-shir

120 Flamazing Days of School Flamingo 120th Day Teachers T Shirt - T-shir

120 Flamazing Days of School Flamingo 120th Day Teachers T Shirt - T-shir


Hompage: t-shirtsky

120 Flamazing Days of School Flamingo 120th Day Teachers T Shirt - T-shir


120 Flamazing Days of School Flamingo 120th Day Teachers T Shirt

For you and 120 Flamazing Days of School Flamingo 120th Day Teachers T Shirt your publishing committee have agreed to publish my book, so I must pay the price off. Second, when you and your Author House Company are very happy to welcome my payment and said to congratulate me when you and your publishing company solemnly opened the largest hands to welcome accepting my manuscript. I was interested because you and your company were strongly expressed by the super literature American and American tradition’s publishing. Ironically, after receiving my manuscript’s book Law for War of Land for Vietnam, you and your company committee have changed for one hundred eighty degrees (180) because you and your publishing company carried out censorship to discriminate with a Vietnamese American writer because you and your publishing have thought about a Vietnamese write minority ethnical living with the American indigenous peoples – and therefore, you and your publisher carried out the strong discrimination and prejudiced by the American literature with me.

120 Flamazing Days of School Flamingo 120th Day Teachers T Shirt(120 Flamazing Days of School Flamingo 120th Day Teachers T Shirt)

Buy it now: 120 Flamazing Days of School Flamingo 120th Day Teachers T Shirt - T-shir

Brad Keselowski RFK Racing Kohler Car 2 Spot shirt - T-shir

Brad Keselowski RFK Racing Kohler Car 2 Spot shirt - T-shir

Brad Keselowski RFK Racing Kohler Car 2 Spot shirt - T-shir


Hompage: t-shirtsky

Brad Keselowski RFK Racing Kohler Car 2 Spot shirt - T-shir


Brad Keselowski RFK Racing Kohler Car 2 Spot shirt

Moreover, you requested my pictures to have copy-rights. I have to ask you what I carried out 5 USC 552 -public information; agency rules, opinions, orders, records, and proceedings, but you and Brad Keselowski RFK Racing Kohler Car 2 Spot shirt your Author-house Publisher did not believe me, which is why you and your Author-house publishing have not obeyed the American laws and the United States Constitution? What is the mental spirit of you and your Author-house Publisher showing where in modern civilization? Finally, after I have answered adequately to you and your Author House Publisher committee requesting you delayed publishing my book. (Please review all your emails sent to me. In conclusion, you and your Author-house publishing said apologized to me because Pandemic matter takes place, you and your publishing did not publish any book which is why you and your Author House Publishing did not have a refund back to me, but which is which you and your Publish committee had the rights to subtract half of my payment price.

Brad Keselowski RFK Racing Kohler Car 2 Spot shirt(Brad Keselowski RFK Racing Kohler Car 2 Spot shirt)

Buy it now: Brad Keselowski RFK Racing Kohler Car 2 Spot shirt - T-shir

Mitski Face Shirt - T-shir

Mitski Face Shirt - T-shir

Mitski Face Shirt - T-shir


Hompage: t-shirtsky

Mitski Face Shirt - T-shir


Mitski Face Shirt

So, we kept going to other doctors, and we found out that he has celiac disease and Mitski Face Shirt lactose intolerance. Between these 2, in every meal he was getting something that had something that didn’t work with his stomach. We went on a gluten free diet. His appetite became better and his size improved. Then we removed lactose, and his gagging stopped. All of this took 4 years of figuring out, and he went on a gluten free, lactose free diet when he was 6-7 He is 8 now, and he is beginning to try a lot of new things. He loves pizza with veggies. He ate salmon for the first time few weeks ago. He has graduated to getting onions on his cheese burger.. no lettuce yet. He did try ribs, but didn;t like it. I made chicken wings for him this weekend, which he loved. I would say gagging might be an issue on it’s own, or it could be a secondary issue that arises because of something else in his digestive system. If you aren’t making headway, go to a gastroentrologist.

Mitski Face Shirt(Mitski Face Shirt)

Buy it now: Mitski Face Shirt - T-shir

Peter Puppy shirt - T-shir

Peter Puppy shirt - T-shir

Peter Puppy shirt - T-shir


Hompage: t-shirtsky

Peter Puppy shirt - T-shir


Peter Puppy shirt

I think the childhood dream I had the longest and Peter Puppy shirt wanted the most was to own an orphanage. My family was very close and I was taught to value family above all else. But at the same time, I did not look like I belonged to the family I was most often surrounded by. I am the only one on my dad’s side of the family with brown eyes, the rest all have blue. That will always be the most notable difference in my appearance from them. But to add to it, my sister looked 100% like my dad’s side of the family and I looked 100% like my mom’s side. We found childhood pictures of one of my aunts and they might as well have been me, we looked so alike. But most of my mom’s side of the family lived pretty far away from us and my dad’s side was all very close. So the family I was most often surrounded by did not really look like me.

Peter Puppy shirt(Peter Puppy shirt)

Buy it now: Peter Puppy shirt - T-shir

Dont Make Me Use My Fff Voice Shirt - T-shir

Dont Make Me Use My Fff Voice Shirt - T-shir

Dont Make Me Use My Fff Voice Shirt - T-shir


Hompage: t-shirtsky

Dont Make Me Use My Fff Voice Shirt - T-shir


Dont Make Me Use My Fff Voice Shirt

We put out grownup munchies for the grownups and Dont Make Me Use My Fff Voice Shirt munchies for the children. Chips, pretzels. Better to have grapes (sliced in half for the little ones, or chopped fruit. no candy (my son once kept grabbing hunks of dessert off the table at a holiday party and it was so crowded we weren’t noticing for awhile, until we saw the mess on him and the floor by the table.) Mini juice boxes and mini water bottles for the kids so we don’t have a lot of pouring and spills and parents can limit portions of juice if they wish. We order a pizza or have cold cuts or mini sandwiches and wraps. We might order catered mini sandwiches, cheese platter, antipasto and wine. beers, and soda for the grownups. We might do some kids games after one hour. A play parachute is good. Stickers and temporary tatoos. One-year-olds can’t do any of these activities, naturally. It is all for the older children to keep them from getting bored and cranky (they know how a party is supposed to go, after all.) And for the parents and friends and family to socialize.

Dont Make Me Use My Fff Voice Shirt(Dont Make Me Use My Fff Voice Shirt)

Buy it now: Dont Make Me Use My Fff Voice Shirt - T-shir

Official Day of the Dead Costume Dia De Los Muertos Sweater

Official Day of the Dead Costume Dia De Los Muertos Sweater

Official Day of the Dead Costume Dia De Los Muertos Sweater


Hompage: t-shirtsky

Sunday, February 27, 2022

PS Wrestling School Tee Shirt - T-shir


PS Wrestling School Tee Shirt

The new strains of Sars-CoV-2 are already the dominant ones running throughout the country, including the “homegrown” Brazilian P1 variant, and they are all associated with an increase in the mortality rate, particularly for people younger than 50–60 years old, in most coutnries where they have become prevalent. What’s also really complicating is that the new strains, even when they haven’t increased the rate of people who end up dying, have substantially increased the percentage of people who need to be hospitalized and made their stay in the hospital longer on average. That compounds the extreme overwork of healthcare professionals and their technical incapability to give proper treatment to everyone at the same time. Medicines, equipments, sheer time is lacking for such a huge number of people reaching to the hospitals (and there isn’t just Covid-19 to take care of, you know),

PS Wrestling School Tee Shirt(PS Wrestling School Tee Shirt)

Buy it now: PS Wrestling School Tee Shirt - T-shir

Rocky Marciano Remembering Rocky Marciano Sweatshirt - T-shir

Rocky Marciano Remembering Rocky Marciano Sweatshirt - T-shir

Rocky Marciano Remembering Rocky Marciano Sweatshirt - T-shir


Hompage: t-shirtsky

Rocky Marciano Remembering Rocky Marciano Sweatshirt - T-shir


Rocky Marciano Remembering Rocky Marciano Sweatshirt

The contrast is beyond striking. Trump practically victim shamed people who got Covid or lost loved ones to Covid by constantly downplaying the virus. Claiming that “99% of cases are totally harmless” and “don’t be afraid* totally negates families who lost loved ones to Covid. He suggested that it was the fault of those with underlying conditions that they suffered so much, the virus couldn’t really be blamed. He falsely claimed that Covid death numbers were being inflated for profit. All of his communications about the virus seriously lacked empathy. Biden has held two Covid memorials. One on January 19th and one on February 22nd. That alone, even without all the speeches Biden and his administration have given showing empathy for Americans, speaks volumes,

Rocky Marciano Remembering Rocky Marciano Sweatshirt(Rocky Marciano Remembering Rocky Marciano Sweatshirt)

Buy it now: Rocky Marciano Remembering Rocky Marciano Sweatshirt - T-shir

Save Ferris Tee Shirt - T-shir

Save Ferris Tee Shirt - T-shir

Save Ferris Tee Shirt - T-shir


Hompage: t-shirtsky

Save Ferris Tee Shirt - T-shir


Save Ferris Tee Shirt

the world might seem like it’s shut down right now, but what if every truck driver who hauls things across the globe, or every cargo ship worker gets ill at once? how will anything get anywhere? what if every postal worker and amazon delivery person gets sick at once, then how would anything get delivered? things aren’t actually shut down, we’ve only put restrictions on social interaction right now. and if we didn’t, then everyone would be sick all at once, and that would be CATASTROPHIC. our economy would collapse, as would life as we know it. if every nurse and doctor was sick, who would treat people. hell, if every janitor was sick, nothing would get clean,

Save Ferris Tee Shirt(Save Ferris Tee Shirt)

Buy it now: Save Ferris Tee Shirt - T-shir

St Patricks Day Disney Castle Balloon Matching Shirt - T-shir

St Patricks Day Disney Castle Balloon Matching Shirt - T-shir

St Patricks Day Disney Castle Balloon Matching Shirt - T-shir


Hompage: t-shirtsky

St Patricks Day Disney Castle Balloon Matching Shirt - T-shir


St Patricks Day Disney Castle Balloon Matching Shirt

A similar situation occurred is the study of HIV. For many years, the afflicted were studied. This was necessary to contain spread and discover treatments and cures. However, after some time and with genetic testing which was unavailable at the beginning of the HIV pandemic, a different approach developed. Researchers began studying those patients who were exposed to HIV and appeared to be immune. These patients had numerous opportunities to be infected yet never developed the disease. Great breakthroughs have been made by studying the exceptions rather than the rules. There is evidence of genetic immunity with HIV infection. Researchers are working on whether this genetic variant was favored by smallpox or the plague. In other words, because this variant protected people from dying hundreds or thousands of years ago, they survived instead of dying. They were the ones able to live and pass on this protective gene,

St Patricks Day Disney Castle Balloon Matching Shirt(St Patricks Day Disney Castle Balloon Matching Shirt)

Buy it now: St Patricks Day Disney Castle Balloon Matching Shirt - T-shir

Star Wars Patrick’s Day Disney Irish Family Vacation Shirt - T-shir

Star Wars Patrick’s Day Disney Irish Family Vacation Shirt - T-shir

Star Wars Patrick’s Day Disney Irish Family Vacation Shirt - T-shir


Hompage: t-shirtsky

Star Wars Patrick’s Day Disney Irish Family Vacation Shirt - T-shir


Star Wars Patrick’s Day Disney Irish Family Vacation Shirt

Cremating a dead body ensures: i. that the corp is not violated, say dug up and eaten by animals etc ii. it does not occupy space in the ground, iii. it does not spread any bacteria, virus etc, iv, Bones softened by the fire, and buried in a riverbed sands or thrown into the sea, or even land, only adds its mineral content in these bodies. Thus it is superior to burying, (Towers of silence – a belief system, best not commented upon) etc. It applies to all cases, more so with the deadly viruss. Burying a dead body in the forest is a simple and cost free alternative to a poor person, who can not afford the cost of fuel needed to burn he bod; but has the disadvantages given above. When there is no space for the living, where do you find space for the dead?,

Star Wars Patrick’s Day Disney Irish Family Vacation Shirt(Star Wars Patrick’s Day Disney Irish Family Vacation Shirt)

Buy it now: Star Wars Patrick’s Day Disney Irish Family Vacation Shirt - T-shir

Start The Rapture Bing Bong T Shirt - T-shir

Start The Rapture Bing Bong T Shirt - T-shir

Start The Rapture Bing Bong T Shirt - T-shir


Hompage: t-shirtsky