Thursday, January 13, 2022

Psychedelic Life Shirt tee - T-shir



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Psychedelic Life Shirt tee

As we are all aware, children can be very cruel when it comes to other children who are different. It seems like human nature draws people to connect socially with others by ganging up on people who are different. Even for Psychedelic Life Shirt tee trivial things. This destroys a child’s self-esteem. I was born a transgender girl. I knew I was different from the time I could walk but my parents refused to accept my gender identity and made it quite clear it was unacceptable. Because of this I had to be very careful when it came to gender expression growing up. During elementary age I was verbally bullied a lot. When I became a teenager it expanded to physical and even sexual abuse.

Psychedelic Life Shirt tee(Psychedelic Life Shirt tee)

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