Monday, January 24, 2022

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Nationalism seeks to define country by culture, religion, skin color, language, ideology… each defining caveat narrowing the Cowboy Boots yall Western Southern cowgirl cowhide retro T Shirt of “nation” a little bit more, until it does not represent an undiluted love of country, but a love of that subset claiming to represent the proper and historically appropriate citizens of that nation. In practice, nationalism never represents a nation in total, it has come to represent whatever subset of that nation controls government and majority public opinion. Just as in personal relationships, putting yourself first and foremost is a handicap when group cooperation is required for problem solving, putting yourself first and foremost is an impediment to accepting compromise and sacrifice for the greater good, putting yourself first and foremost makes it very difficult to turn around and ask others for help, sacrifice, or indulgences.

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Hompage: t-shirtsky

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