Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Dominoes Master Dominoes Shirt - T-shir


Dominoes Master Dominoes Shirt

Basically, I rebelled against obligations. From early on, I figured that time was a more important resource than anything else (it arose from a deep-seated insecurity that I had – I came from a Dominoes Master Dominoes Shirthigh program so I was always feeling behind and always feeling like I had to catch up and academically prove myself to everyone else), so ever since I was a mid-teenager, I fiercely resisted doing anything that I couldn’t learn from, and tried to find ways to waste as little time as possible (if I had the self-control to do so, anyways – I still wasted hours on online forums, but since I had no other obligations, I still had plenty of time). So I used various arguments to make it very painful for my parents to ask me to do chores (or non-academic tasks), and always carried a book with me whenever there was a remote possibility of waiting for anything.

Dominoes Master Dominoes Shirt(Dominoes Master Dominoes Shirt)

Buy it now: Dominoes Master Dominoes Shirt - T-shir

In Memory Of Elvis Presley 1977 Thank You For The Memories Shirt - T-shir

In Memory Of Elvis Presley 1977 Thank You For The Memories Shirt - T-shir



Hompage: t-shirtsky

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