Monday, April 1, 2019

I’m Just Here For The Sex Funny T-shirt

If the comments I’m reading are any indication of the future of I’m Just Here For The Sex Funny T-shirt for changing their baby’s diaper. Some of you imbeciles are beyond pathetic. So you say one and point at the first finger and they say eight. You say two, they say eight and so on. But when you get to seven and they say eight, go right to nine. You’ll get to eleven and they’ll be baffled every time. Works great on kids that know they have 10 fingers and can easily count that high but still are young enough to not catch on. There are two kinds of people in this world.

I’m Just Here For The Sex Funny T-shirt, V-neck, Sweater and Unisex, t-shirt

I'm Just Here For The Sex Funny

Buy it Now: I’m Just Here For The Sex Funny T-shirt

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