Friday, June 16, 2023

Work is all done I’m going ah finally home nice cartoon shirt


However big that black hole is, it is dwarfed by the size of the Work is all done I’m going ah finally home nice cartoon shirt itself. That four million solar masses is a lot compared to our solar system, but it is absolutely puny compared to the total mass of the Milky Way, which is many tens of billions of solar masses. Galaxies are held together by self-gravity. They may or may not have a supermassive black hole (not all do). When that supermassive black hole is present, its gravity adds a modest contribution to the total self-gravity of the galaxy. But in all cases, even in the case of the largest black holes, the mass of the galaxy dominates over the mass of the black hole. Stars in a galaxy follow somewhat chaotic orbits, determined by the combined gravitational field of all other stars, clouds of gas, clouds of dust, and well, any black holes if present, supermassive or otherwise. But apart from stars that are relatively near the black hole in question, stuff in general does not orbit the black hole.

Work is all done I’m going ah finally home nice cartoon shirt()

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The Monsters You Turned The Page T Shirt

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Warning Telling Me To Calm Down Will Have The Opposite Effect shirt

I remember a Gold era Denver basketball 2023 champions shirt memoir — Beasts, Men, and Gods — by Ferdinand Ossendowski, a White Pole who fled the Bolshevik revolution through Siberia. He served in General Kolchak’s All-Russian Government before escaping through the Steppes north of Mongolia, and then participated in the government of that most notorious adventurer, the “Mad Baron” Ungern-Sternberg, who attempted to take over Mongolia to restore an imperial Khaganate as part of an imagined reactionary restoration of the Great Mongol, Chinese, and Russian monarchies in the interests of the “warrior races” of Germans and Mongols (a Baltic German, he considered the old Russian ruling class to represent Germandom over and against Jews and Slavs). Some of the things – the acts of desperation and madness, in which he himself was no disinterested observer – Ossendowski relates are harrowing. But this part struck me as very much making a point about what people think of the Steppe peoples, and of what (German-trained) nationalists like Ungern-Sternberg did (and would do again) to the Mongols. And, other things:

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