Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Little Miss Throat Goat Tee Shirt


India decided to abrogate the Little Miss Throat Goat Tee Shirt provision of Article 370 in Aug because that’s when the terrorist activity is was highest. They were attacking the military and were planning on attacking pilgrims – as they do every year. To forestall that, the gov removed the temporary provision and merged Kashmir with India as per the original request of the King.Since its Aug, when article 370 was removed, Kashmir has seen an unprecedented level of peace, is riot free and has held local elections without any violence! It has been a boon to those who want to do legitimate business in the state. Terrorists and separatists hate the move, but that is to be expected! They hate peace and refuse to allow the local population to prosper. CAB / CAA helps all religious minorities in afghnistan, bangladesh and pakistan who wish to see asylum in India. Religious minorities who are constantly harangued in pakistan, locked up on false blasphemy charges, abducted, raped and forced to convert, will find it easy now to move to India and seek asylum and get citizenship. Last year, local thugs in pakistan blew up churches just before Christmas. So CAB, which includes Christians, will help them for sure. There is nothing special about it being introduced before Christmas, but I am sure they will be grateful for having this provision.

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