Just for context, I come from a Official eat the rich oceangate T shirts that takes Christmas very seriously. We’re not religious; for us it’s just a time to get the whole family together and eat too much and drink too much. But as I’ve grown older I’ve come to realise that we approach it with far more enthusiasm than most. I shall be very sad if we’re not able to do our usual Christmas. But I shall be no less sad than many British Jews were back in April, when they had to celebrate Passover in lockdown, or British Sikhs, who celebrated Vaisakhi the same month. I’ll be no less sad than British Muslims were back in May, when they had to do Eid in lockdown, or than British Hindus were on Saturday when they had to do Diwali in lockdown. Why does my cultural celebration take precedence over theirs? Why are the government being so careful to ensure we are not locked down over Christmas when they evidently didn’t give a stuff whether we were locked down over all the above festivals? These are questions worth asking, and it’s a journalist’s job to ask them. The answer may well turn out to be that all of Johnson’s comforting nonsense about being out of lockdown in time for Christmas was just that, and the reality is that he put another lockdown off until he was forced into it. Or it might be that he made a cynical political calculation and determined that he could afford to piss off religious minorities, but couldn’t afford to piss off the majority.

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When everyone is eagerly expecting the Lord Jesus to openly descend upon a white cloud, God has been incarnated again to be the Son of man. He came to the The Church The Hypnogogue World Tour Shirt quietly, expressing His word and doing the work of “judgment beginning with God’s family.” Through the judgment and chastisement of Almighty God’s word, we see clearly the true fact that we have been deeply corrupted by Satan, and know the inherent righteous disposition of God. Thus, we are transformed in life disposition, and gradually have true reverence and obedience for Him. Almighty God’s end-time work of judgment is to save the whole mankind from the domain of Satan thoroughly, make them the ones who worship God and submit to Him, and bring them into a beautiful destination. Now, Almighty God’s end-time gospel has spread to the entire universe. His name has been made known to every family and every person. The holy name of Almighty God will be magnified among all nations and all places. This is God’s only work to be fulfilled in the last days.
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