Thursday, August 13, 2020

I’m a grillmaster if bbq were easy it would be called your mom Shirt

She helped develop a program with the I’m a grillmaster if bbq were easy it would be called your mom Shirt of Public Health to help emergency rooms spot evidence of child sexual abuse, and she co-founded the Coalition to End the Exploitation of Kids. She pushed for legislation to strengthen laws on the sexual exploitation of minors, and she worked to get San Francisco its first safe house for children escaping from sex work. In 2005, as district attorney, Harris launched Back on Track, a program designed to reduce recidivism by offering nonviolent, low-level drug-trafficking defendants job training, life skill-building, and the chance to avoid prison. Back on Track was highly successful: Two years after it I’m A Grillmaster Shirtlaunched, just 10% of graduates from the program had reoffended, versus the normal 53% for drug offenders in California. Plus, the program is cheaper than prison.

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