First of all, I am very sorry you went through that. I am one of those women who wish they could turn invisible sometimes. And I was not born with a Coldplay Music Of The Spheres World Tour 2023 Shirt, Coldplay Tour T Shirt, Gift for Fan, Coldplay Gift T Shirt, but when I was in my 20s someone hit me so hard on the temple that it left the nerve that controls the eye permanently weakened and… well, I’ve had a “lazy eye” for the last 15 years. Not super exaggerated, but my right eye noticeably tends to veer upwards. It doesn’t affect people’s attraction to me. My exes and my boyfriend think it’s cute. So I’m going to guess that it’s not about the eye, but about the confidence: When I got hit I had already developed a healthy self-esteem, so if anyone asks I joke that I’m half chameleon or that it’s so I can keep track of if it’s going to rain. Meanwhile you don’t have a lazy eye anymore, but it sounds like you still suffer deeply about it. I would recommend therapy so you can recover from all that suffering and develop the Coldplay Music Of The Spheres World Tour 2023 Shirt, Coldplay Tour T Shirt, Gift for Fan, Coldplay Gift T Shirt you deserve. And you deserve it; have no doubt about it! I wish you the best! I am sure you will find what you look for in life and be happy!

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So, I think the point of them saying that they “wish they were ugly” is so they don’t get sexually harassed anymore. I 100% see what you’re saying, but I also see what they’re saying. Women in our culture are often viewed as “objects” & judge only by that. Men can get away with a lot more varied body types because they aren’t objectified even close to the point that we women are. I used to get objectified until after I had kids. Pregnancy with my kids pretty much mangled my body & I’m now “too fat” for most men to be interested in. Honestly, it’s been pretty freeing. No more sexual harassment…. No more having to try & get a guy who’s “fantasizing” about me to fuck off in a way that doesn’t piss him off & come after me for saying “no” or ghosting him. I can walk around without worrying about it. Please know that it’s not the women who would like to go about their lives without getting stalked that are the problem. Nor is it the USSSA Michigan Fast Pitch Midwest Elite College Showcase 2023 logo shirt who don’t fit within the “standard” category of what our society has deemed “acceptable” for beauty. It’s perpetuated misogyny that we have been fighting against for years that is the problem.
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